Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cancer SUCKS!

The vet called today and unfortunately the tumor we had removed from Lou was in fact cancer. It's called a fibrosarcoma. They say it's a soft tissue cancer and that they THINK they got it all, but we are to keep a close eye on him. If it comes back or he seems to not feel well (vomiting, diarhea, bleeding, traumatic things like that), they may have to go back in and look at it again. From the little bit I've read online about it, it's common for them to come back and they don't respond well to chemotherapy. Brandon is of course sad, but seems to be more hopeful than I that it will not come back and he'll be fine. I feel like I'm in denial or was at least, because I was convinced he was going to be fine and they'd tell us it was nothing. So, we will definitely be praying for our little guy to pull through this still...

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